  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Purulent discharge in women and its causes

All the mucous membranes of the human body contain a set of glands that secrets a particular fluid. The vaginal epithelium is no exception. The normal amount of vaginal discharge and their appearance vary during the menstrual cycle. This is due to the changing hormone levels in the body. In some cases, however, a woman may have abnormal purulent discharge, indicating the presence of various disorders in her body.

Causes of purulent discharge in women

Inflammatory diseases of the uterine cervix, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina, including those that are sexually transmitted  are the primary cause of pus-like vaginal discharge in women. The most common of these diseases are:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • vaginitis;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and cervix.

Anyway, purulent discharge in women should not be ignored for they are the first signal that you should immediately see a gynecologist, go for a pelvic examination and treatment.

Vaginitis as a cause of purulent discharge in women

Vaginitis is one of the leading inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system of women. The incidence of vaginitis is steadily  growing at present. According to statistics, about one third of women of reproductive age suffer from this disease. The prevalence of this disease is directly connected with an increase in the number of sexually transmitted infections, environmental problems, poor intimate hygiene and a marked decrease in immune reactivity.

In women with vaginitis, inflammatory processes extend to the vaginal epithelium, and sometimes to the mucous membrane covering the genitals, thereby causing a comorbidity called vulvovaginitis. The nature of purulent vaginitis in women varies depending on the types of infectious agents that cause inflammation. For example, in women with gonorrheal vaginitis, purulent discharge have a thick consistency and a white-yellow color, while in those with trichomonas, the discharge is greenish-yellow and foamy. Here, the discharge always has a foul pungent smell, becomes abundant in the acute phase of the disease and is accompanied by a strong burning sensation, itching, and pain when urinating and during a sexual intercourse.

Vaginitis is caused by a decline in a woman’s sexual activity. It is the major cause of pain during  sex and gives patients serious discomfort in their daily lives. Besides, this disease can disrupt the natural functioning of the entire female reproductive system, becoming the main cause of a rising internal genital infection, chronic pains, menstrual disorders, ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

Purulent discharge in women with trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is also one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Typically, women infected with trichomoniasis complain of the appearance of abundant foamy yellow-green foul-smelling vaginal discharge, burning and itching in the vagina, pain during sex and urination. If not treated adequately, competently and on time, trichomoniasis can easily become chronic, and then becomes a major cause of abnormal pregnancy (stillbirth or premature birth), uterine cervical cancer and infertility. Vaginal trichomonad is the causative agent of the disease. It is a sexually transmitted single-celled anaerobic organism.

The nature and amount of purulent vaginal discharge depends on the extent and stage of the inflammatory process. For example, the discharge decreases in volume in women with chronic trichomoniasis, but becomes abundant in the acute phase of the disease.

Despite the fact that modern venereology owns the most effective drug-induced methods of treating most gynecological infections, it is extremely difficult, even today to cure trichomoniasis completely. Resorting to self-medication to treat trichomoniasis often achieves the opposite result –trichomonas begin to breed actively, while the disease then becomes atypical or hidden. Detecting and treating trichomoniasis in such cases becomes much harder.

Purulent discharge in women with inflammation of the cervix and uterus

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes, cervix or ovaries is the common cause of pus-like vaginal discharge in women. Most often, such discharge has a thick consistency, green in color, and is aggravated by any physical strain. It is accompanied by drawing pains in the lower areas of the stomach, menstrual irregularities and obvious signs of intoxication.

In general, there are so many potential causes of purulent vaginal discharge in women and so one must seek professional medical advice when experiencing such discharge. It is only by this way a woman can protect herself against the negative effects of any disease. Abnormal vaginal discharge is one of the symptoms of a disease.