  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Understanding Ovulation

If you are trying to conceive a baby, you’ve definitely heard the term “ovulation”. This medical term implicates a complex physiological process, which any married couple planning a baby should try to understand. In this article we will try to reveal the secrets of this process without using complicated medical terms

What is ovulation?

Each female ovary contains over one million of eggs (ovum). Every menstrual cycle one or several eggs mature and get ready for fertilization. Once the egg matures it releases from the ovarian follicle and moves to one of the fallopian tubes. This process is called ovulation. If ovulation does not occur, a woman is not able to conceive a baby.

Many people confuse the notions of ovulation and fertilization. These are two different physiological processes which are tightly related to each other. Fertilization can occur within twenty-four hours after a woman has ovulated. This is the period when egg should meet the sperm.

When does Ovulation Occur?

Each woman ovulates in accordance with her own schedule. While studying various sources related to ovulation you may find out that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of menstrual cycle (counting from the first day of menstrual bleeding). This may be true for women having a 28-day cycle. However, even women with a 28-day cycle may not ovulate on the fourteenths day. Numerous researchers show that only 10% of fertile age women ovulate on the 14th day of their 28-day cycle.

Menstrual cycle starts with the first day of menstrual bleeding and finishes with the last. An average cycle last from 28 to 32 days. However, many women have shorter or longer menstrual period which is considered normal. In case of a regular monthly period, women ovulate 12-16 days before the next periods or between the 11th and 21st day of the monthly period. In other words, these are the most fertile days when a woman may conceive a baby.

In fact, ovulation may occur on any day of menstrual period. Thus, if you want to get pregnant it is crucial to track your cycle.

How to detect Ovulation?

Ovulation lasts for just a few minutes. After an egg bursts through the follicle and gets into the fallopian tube, a woman has 24 hours to conceive a baby. Ovulation and fertile window can be detected by charting ovulation signs. To identify the most fertile days of your cycle you need to note the length of your cycle and look for special ovulation signs your body gives. Maturation of an egg and ovulation are accompanied by the increase of certain hormones (like estrogen and luteinizing hormone). This, in turn, leads to certain physiologic and emotional changes. By learning to interpret these changes a women can easily detect her fertile window.

The main sign of approaching of ovulation are:

  •  Appearance of cervical mucus
  •  Light spotting (pinkish or light-brown)
  •  Abdominal pain
  • Breasts tenderness
  • Soft and open cervix

The surge of estrogen has a positive impact on a woman’s emotional state. When ovulation approaches many women become more happy and active. They feel more self-confident and sexy. Increased sexual drive is another sign of ovulation.

However, natural signs are not always reliable. Many women are not able to tell ovulation spotting from regular vaginal discharge, while others do not notice any changes. Thus, to detect your fertile window chart your basal body temperature or use various commercial devices like salivary ferning kits or urine-based ovulation predictors. These methods help pinpoint ovulation, as well as days favorable for conception.