  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Brown Discharge During Early Pregnancy

Brown discharge in pregnancy

Brown discharge during early pregnancy is frequently an alarming sign. However, there are cases when this symptom doesn’t present any risks. Such details as the shade of your brown discharge, its consistence, time of occurrence and whether it’s accompanied by other symptoms or not, help to understand if your pregnancy is progressing safely or get the clues to the condition you may be developing. However, remember to inform your gynecologist about any doubtful discharge you may have, as soon as you notice it. Meanwhile, let’s have a better insight into the problem of brown discharge in the very beginning of pregnancy.

Brown Discharge During Early Pregnancy: When There’s No Ground for Worries

1. Dark brown discharge that occurs approximately 2 weeks after fertilization or a month after your last period is implantation bleeding, caused by the embryo’s embedment into the uterine wall.
2. The cervix during pregnancy is very sensitive. That’s why after such procedures as transvaginal ultrasound or sex, slight brown spotting may occur in pregnant women. In this case the discharge stops by itself within a few days.
3. Pregnant women must have blood tests taken to determine the level of hormones. If the level of certain hormones, like progesterone, for instance, is too low, your gynecologist may prescribe Duphaston that sometimes causes brown discharge.

Brown Discharge During Early Pregnancy as an Indicator of Dangerous Conditions

  1. Light brown discharge may be a symptom of human papillomavirus (hpv) or other vaginal infections. If there are suspicions of sexually transmitted diseases, it’s necessary to have a vaginal swab for STD taken.
  2. Yellowish brown discharge also indicates the presence of vaginal infection. If a vaginal swab for STD doesn’t reveal any infectious agent, this kind of secretion may be caused by such pelvic inflammatory processes as adnexitis or salpingitis.
  3. Dark brown discharge may be a sign of abnormal pregnancy form – molar pregnancy that occurs as a result of the impaired embryo development or abnormalities of the placenta cells.
  4. Brown spotting may be a signal of ectopic pregnancy, a process of embryo development outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy usually occurs in Fallopian tubes or other organs of female reproductive tract. It’s a very dangerous condition that must be interrupted, otherwise, the growing fetus will rupture the organ where it’s developing.
  5. Reddish brown discharge may be the symptom of miscarriage. Red color points at a possibility of the ovum’s separation. Besides the discharge, you may have such symptoms as pulling sensation and low abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
  6. Scanty brown discharge may occur as a result of imbalance in hormones. If you have low level of progesterone, your doctor will help to pick safe hormonal medication to correct the level of hormones, necessary for the normal pregnancy progress.
  7. Pink brown discharge means the presence of occult blood in the uterus. Contact your doctor immediately if you have pink brown bleeding and its getting more intensive.

Brown discharge during early pregnancy, anyway, isn’t a reason to practice self-treatment. If needed, your doctor will take necessary tests and apply additional diagnostic methods. Your task is just to monitor the color and intensity of your vaginal secretion. If such types of discharge, as liquid brown, abundant brown, thick dark brown, yellowish or pale brown, bother you, that isn’t a variant of norm but a direct indicator of pathology.