  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

White Discharge: Top 7 Conditions that Trigger Vaginal Secretions

White odorless discharge

The very first thing you are to be aware of is that having a certain amount of discharge from vagina is normal. It can occur due to lots of different reasons, but, normally, this is the sign of either beginning or end of your cycle. Speaking of white discharge, you are to know it is safe only when it is quite regular, non-itchy and non-smelly. It occurs in ALL WOMEN. This is a part of a self-cleaning process that helps to keep the vagina free of various infections. The secretion like this is produced by the glands in the cervix and vagina. While escaping from its natural area, the discharge takes old cells and keeps the vagina bacteria-free, clean and healthy.

However, sometimes even relatively safe discharge of white color can be a sign of any health issue or condition that requires special care and professional treatment. Go on reading to find out more about such possibilities.

Condition #1: White Vaginal Discharge? You’re Probably Ovulating

At the very beginning of the menstrual cycle, every woman experiences discharges of white color. At first, their quantity is minor, later on it can increase. When a woman ovulates, her body undergoes a certain number of hormonal changes. As a rule, the process takes place between the 10th and the 19th days of her cycle.

During the above-mentioned hormonal changes, the levels of progesterone rise and fall many times and trigger the occurrence of stretchy, slippery and egg-white in consistency discharges. They can be either transparent or white in color. This is the time, when sperm can survive inside the vagina for 3 days. So this time is perfect for those women, who are trying to conceive.

Condition #2: White Discharges and Pregnancy

While experiencing the discharge of this type, most women tend to believe they are pregnant. Why? The reason is quite simple – in most cases white vaginal discharges are early signs of pregnancy. They appear because of increased estrogen production, as well as blood flow to the vagina. Such discharges create a protective barrier in the cervical canal.

Some women have a single discharge that resembles a gelatinous glob. Others notice a bit of blood expelled with it. This is normal until the discharge is clear and very thin.

Are Discharges Harmful for Your Baby?

If you are pregnant and have odorless discharges of white color, the very first question that interests you the most is whether they can harm your baby. No, they cannot. But, if you’d like to ensure safety, undertake extensive hygiene measures, as this is one of the best solutions to keep your baby from having any infections. To prevent possible risks, make sure you:

  1. wear clean cotton underwear and change it at least twice per day
  2. wipe the area in a front to back motion
  3. don’t use tampons, as they can bring microbes to vagina and trigger various infections
  4. don’t make attempts to treat redness, itching or swelling on your own
  5. don’t use bubble baths and scented creams

Conditions #3-7: Infections that Cause White Discharges

As long as discharges are odorless and of thick consistency, you can feel relatively safe, but as soon as you notice any abnormalities, you are to check whether you have any of the following STD (sexually transmitted diseases):

  • Gonorrhea is one of sexually transmitted diseases that can lead to occurrence of vaginal discharges of white color and unpleasant odor. At first, the discharge is white, later on it becomes slightly yellow and is accompanied by bleeding between periods, as well as the feeling of urinary incontinence. This medical condition requires immediate treatment. When left untreated it spreads and causes pelvic inflammatory diseases.
  • Yeast infection is another STD that requires special attention. It occurs in warm and moist areas and is affected by various conditions that influence the immune system of a woman. To them belong illnesses, stress, the intake of birth control pills, etc.
  • BV – bacterial vaginosis – is the commonest type of vaginal infections. The condition is accompanied by occurrence of white, yellowish or grey discharge with a fish-like odor. The smell is vivid after a sexual intercourse. If left neglected, the condition increases HIV risks and causes lots of complications in pregnant women.
  • Cervicitis is the condition during which the cervix gets inflamed and triggers infection.
  • Genital warts can also be accompanied by discharges of white color. This is a very serious STD that requires immediate medical care.

As you see, reasons for white discharges are multiple, so don’t ring the alarm bell if you have them. Consider your condition (pregnancy or any STD), check the changes in the menstrual cycle and you will find the answer why you experience discharges like these. Stay cool and be sure you’ll find out the answer.