  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Watery Vaginal Discharge: 6 Possible Causes, or Your Basics of Secretion No.1

Flowing milky white discharge

Watery vaginal discharge usually indicates a good balance of healthy yeast and bacteria in the woman’s vagina. Typically, the amount of such lining fluids may increase after exercises. This is absolutely normal. Most of the time, all females release a clear and watery flow, in order to carry away bacteria and dead cells. Besides, such a discharge takes place when simply being aroused or not ovulating. Unfortunately, the discharge can be affected by numerous factors. As long as you feel no discomfort or odor, there is no cause for alarm. For those whose glands produce much fluid, it’s just advisable to use panty liners. However, unpleasant smells, along with foamy and colored discharge usually indicate the presence of vaginitis, the inflammation of your vagina. Do not worry: the case is easily treated with proven antibiotics, prescribed by the medical professional vaginally or orally.

Watery Vaginal Discharge: 9 Essentials for Every Woman

- Your vagina is a passageway between the inner reproductive organs and outside of the body.

- Its pH balance is acidic, which is created by your normally-occurring bacteria. That’s why the infections are discouraged from appearing.

- A healthy vagina releases secretions, so as to cleanse and regulate itself. It’s similar to your mouth saliva. Thus, these vaginal secretions are your normal vaginal discharge.

- Tiny interference with the delicate environment of vagina sets up favorable conditions for any infection.

- All women have vaginal discharge. Normal varieties are clear or cloudy white, drying yellowish on clothing. Alternatively, they may also be stringy and contain flecks.

- Changes in your personal normal discharge are associated with many reasons, including nutritional status, emotional stressors, usage of medications, menstrual cycle, sexual arousal, birth control pills or pregnancy.

- The pH balance of your vagina is the least acidic before and during menstruation. Therefore, infections are most common this time.

- How to identify the signs of your abnormal discharge? Look for any changes in its amount, color, texture, odor and discomfort sensations, which always demonstrate a vaginal infection.

- Most women experience vaginal infections in their lifetime; no matter how carefully the vagina is treated.

Watery Vaginal Discharge: 6 Main Causes

In general, watery flow from your vagina doesn’t mean problems.

1. Normally, clear watery discharges take place at different parts of your cycle and are heavier after exercise.

2. Ovulation increases such discharges, changing their thickness. If you prevent ovulation, this leads to their thinning.

3. Different medications can contribute to the increased amounts of watery discharge too. If you are currently taking birth control pills/steroids, do not wonder.

4. Watery discharge before period means that it clears your uterine lining. This keeps any vagina healthy.

5. With the approach of your ovulation, cervical mucus must assist the sperm to reach the egg. Due to this body mechanism for a maximum chance of conception, you’ve got the clearest and the most watery fluids.

6. Clear watery discharges are quite common during pregnancy. Then they are odorless, sticky and much more visible. As a rule, there are 2 primary causes: high level of estrogen and blood flow towards vagina.

What to say, watery vaginal discharge can be controlled if it bothers you. Well, just get used to panty liner pads!