  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Watery Discharge: How to Know It Is Safe? What 3 Infections Can Cause Abnormalities?

Clear watery bubbly discharge

During the menstrual cycle woman’s reproductive organs work producing the egg and creating a normal environment for the sperm to fertilize the egg. There is no wonder that this is the time, when the body of a woman undergoes many changes, especially those on the hormonal level. These changes trigger the occurrence of discharges that vary from individual to individual. However, these are mostly watery discharges.

The primer task of such secretions is to carry away all dead cells and dangerous bacteria from the vagina. These components can affect not only the consistency of the discharge, but also its color and even odor. During ovulation discharges are thicker and while you are exercising, they are getting heavier. It’s hard to say what amount should be regarded as normal, as it depends on the body of a woman and the level of hormones in it. Some women have to use panty liners, because of a great deal of secretion.

All these secretions are results of body’s mechanism that ensures the health of the vagina. Besides, this cervical mucus (fertile mucus) assists the sperm in reaching the egg and thus increases the chances for conception. Right after the period it becomes watery and clear.

What Can Increase the Amount of Watery Discharges?

Watery vaginal discharges can be affected by the medications a woman takes. To them normally belong steroids and birth control pills that make secretions decrease in thickness. The thing is during ovulation discharges are getting heavier and thicker, and these pills work preventing ovulation, thus making the secretions thinning out. As long as they are odorless, there is nothing a woman should worry about.

However, everything’s not that simple. Not only drugs, but also a number of serious infections lead to the changes of watery discharges. If the secretion is rather thick and becomes of cottage cheese consistency, it should be checked by a professional, to ensure whether a woman suffers from yeast infection or not. This health problem is always accompanied by burning, itching and pain in the vagina. A gynecologist can prescribe a course of antibiotics to treat the condition. Yeast infection is a result of weak immune system and lack of personal hygiene practice.

Trichomoniasis can make watery vaginal secretions become foamy (more watery than usually). The condition is triggered by bacteria that penetrate the vagina after sexual contact. Though it is very difficult to cure the condition, it is possible to achieve the effect, if a woman follows doctor’s prescription.

Finally, bacterial vaginitis leads to changes in watery vaginal discharges. Judging by accompanied symptoms, this infection is the least serious, but, when left untreated it can lead to serious consequences.

Healthy Hygiene for Problems Prevention

Any woman can escape the occurrence of vaginal infections if she knows simple rules of personal hygiene. Gynecologists suggest avoiding such habits as:

  1. frequent douching
  2. using feminine rinses, powders and sprays
  3. buying scented bath products
  4. wearing synthetic underwear

To the recommendations they give belong the following ones:

  1. avoiding taking hot baths
  2. using unscented non-soap cleanser to wash genitalia
  3. forgetting about using feminine hygiene products
  4. rinsing genitals with warm water or patting dry after toileting
If a woman follows these recommendations, she won’t bother much about the nature of her watery discharges, as they are going to be normal.