  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Vaginal Discharge During Ovulation – What You Should Know

Thick rubbery vaginal discharge after sex

Vaginal discharge during ovulation is a common occurrence, and most women experience it at some time during their reproductive lives. It can be a useful indicator that ovulation is taking place, and this is a good time to have sex when you want to become pregnant (or equally, a time to avoid sex if you don’t.)

What does vaginal discharge during ovulation look like?

Typically, this vaginal discharge looks and feels a bit like raw egg white – a clear, slippery fluid which when you touch it, can be lifted up in strands. You will probably notice it as a deposit on your underwear; it might make you feel a bit sticky. You might notice it on toilet paper after you have dabbed yourself dry after urinating. It doesn’t have any particular smell. Don’t be afraid to examine this most natural of bodily excretions, it is just as much a part of you as, say, your spit. You can touch your vulva, or just inside your vagina, to see if you are producing this discharge.

What does vaginal discharge during ovulation signify?

It signifies that you are ovulating, that is, your body is producing an egg which can be fertilized by a male sperm. If you are planning on baby making, tonight’s the night!

How does vaginal discharge differ during the month?

Right after you have had your monthly period, you probably won’t notice much in the way of discharge. After a few days, you might observe a sticky, slightly gluey or rubbery fluid. As the days go by, the fluid becomes whiter or sometimes creamier in color, and more runny or liquid – this is a sign that you’re heading for ovulation. Just before ovulation, you’ll see the egg white type fluid already described. It will form strands if you try to hold it between your thumb and index finger. After ovulation, the fluid may become cloudier and stickier, or may simply go away altogether.

Does every woman have the same kinds of fluids?

Not every woman will experience all these types of bodily fluid. Don’t worry if you don’t notice these changes in fluid, everyone is different and it probably has no medical significance.  Post menopausal women will not of course experience these fluids any more.

What other kinds of vaginal discharge might I notice?

You might notice different colored discharges, discharges which smell bad, discharges which have a cottage cheese texture, which are very heavy, or which contain blood at times when you aren’t having your period. All of these discharges should be taken seriously, and you should go straight to the doctor to get advice. Don’t be shy or embarrassed about vaginal discharge, it can be an indicator of a medical condition which needs treatment, and it is much better to be safe than sorry, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant.

Vaginal discharge during ovulation, sometimes also known as cervical mucus, is little talked about but a valuable indicator of what is happening in your body.