  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Pink Spotting: When to Consider the Condition Dangerous?

Pink discharge for a week

What’s pink spotting? This is a comparatively small amount of blood that is discharged through the vagina. In frequent cases this notion is referred to as pink vaginal discharges. Do you have spotting? Stay calm, because in most cases it is quite normal. If it is too heavy or too frequent, then it becomes the reason for concern. Let’s find out more about the cases, when spotting is normal and when it is not.

Early Pregnancy and Spotting

During the first two weeks of pregnancy spotting occurs in 30% of women due to the process of implantation. This is when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus lining, causing a very slight bleeding (implantation bleeding). It can be a single discharge or it can last for 2-3 days, depending on the organism of a woman.

Serious Health Problems

In some cases pink spotting becomes the sign of serious health issues that are to be treated immediately. To these severe conditions may belong:

  1. STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)
  2. endometriosis
  3. cervical or uterine cancer

It is impossible to define the nature of spotting without professional scanning and consultation. Before making fast conclusions you are to let your doctor determine actual causes.

Internal infections also frequently become the reasons of pink spotting, but only if the discharge is accompanied by itching and urgent (frequent) urination, unusual discharges and pain. No matter what caused the problems, modern medical treatment with antibiotics gives all the chances to get back to normal life.

Miscarriage & Ectopic Pregnancy

Spotting of pink color during pregnancy can be a sign of miscarriage. This is what the condition usually starts with. Light spotting leads to heavy bleeding if it is left neglected. Usually, if spotting is the sign of miscarriage, it is accompanied by pain, cramping and other unpleasant symptoms.

Ectopic pregnancy is another common reason for spotting. It occurs when the egg attaches not to the uterus lining, but to any other location. Ectopic pregnancy is also referred to as tubal pregnancy. The condition is characterized by heavy spotting that turns into bleeding, and by severe abdominal pain.

Cervical Changes

During the pregnancy cervix changes all the time, preparing the body of a woman for delivery. As a result, there is more blood flowing to the cervix when a woman is pregnant. This is why pink spotting is quite common for many women.

The cervix becomes tender and spotting can occur after sex. This is why in most cases, sex is not recommended during the last months of pregnancy. If it doesn’t stop in 2 days, you are to consult your doctor.

Placenta Previa and Abruption

Pink spotting that leads to heavy bleeding during the last months of pregnancy is frequently referred to placenta previa – placenta is attached too low in the uterus and covers the birth canal. This condition is to be treated immediately.

Placental abruption is not less serious, and only a few women suffer from it. This is the condition, when placenta separates from the uterus wall before birth and causes uterus bleeding. Woman, who have this condition, suffer from pain in the belly. If this condition takes place, it usually occurs in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Pink spotting can be the sign of the end of woman’s pregnancy. Experiencing it 2 weeks before the due date means the body is making the first step preparing for labor.