  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Brown Mucus Discharge

Brown mucus discharge

Brown mucus discharge can be both pathology and a normal physiological phenomenon, happening in the female organism. We can’t and shouldn’t diagnose conditions or prescribe ourselves any treatments without proper medical qualification, however, widening our knowledge in regards to basic physiological processes, running in the female reproductive system will spare our nervous system and help to preserve health.

Vaginal Discharge: Why Mucus? Why Brown?

There’s a group of women, who panic whenever they spot the slightest changes in color or consistency of their discharge. Mucus is natural consistency for vaginal secretion. The cervix has its channel with glands, producing mucus actively. Vagina and cervical epithelium self-purify: shed cells and mucus leave the vagina as discharge, you see on your underwear. Why is it sometimes brown? Because it has streaks of blood in the mucus. If the blood isn’t fresh, it’s brown, not red.

Brown Mucus Discharge: When Is It Within the Norm?

  1. Some brown spotting in the middle of your cycle that looks like scanty mucus and doesn’t require usage of sanitary products, occurs during ovulation and indicates the moment when the ovum is ready to be fertilized. The ovulation discharge helps to determine the exact ovulation time and plan pregnancy.
  2. You may have brown mucous spotting in the first few months after you begin to use hormonal contraception. Light bleeding 1-2 days prior to your period or after menstruation is norm. Such spotting shouldn’t alarm you, if there’s no pain, itching or unpleasant odor. Otherwise, it’s pathology.

Brown Mucus Discharge: Pathological Conditions

  1. Brown mucus – a polyp in the uterus. Pathologies of the uterine lining may provoke the formation of a polyp. Negative processes occur as a result of chronic inflammation or hormonal imbalance.
  2. Smelly brown mucus – chronic endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining). This discharge becomes noticeable before or after period as well as during ovulation, accompanied by low abdominal pain. The symptoms are quite obscure and can be taken for menstrual or ovulation syndrome, however, unpleasant odor in this case will let you know that something is wrong here.
  3. Dark bloody discharge – endometriosis. In the end of the cycle, before period or after menstruation it looks like spotting if a woman has endometrial hyperplasia (excessive proliferation of the uterine lining) that can develop after gynecological diseases, abortions or surgeries.
  4. Brown discharge during pregnancy – a sign of placenta or ovum separation. The condition may develop both in early and late pregnancy. If it occurs until the 20th week of pregnancy, the chances for normal fetal development are higher than in late pregnancy, however, generally the condition presents high risks.

Brown mucus discharge is an important symptom, warning you about potential danger, usually when it has a long-term character and is accompanied by pain, itching or unpleasant smell. However, remember that only a qualified gynecologist can diagnose your condition and prescribe necessary treatment. Don’t use any medications without your doctor’s advice. Until the necessary tests are taken you can’t be sure about the diagnosis, while powerful drugs may seriously harm your health.