  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

Bleeding Before Period: When to Be Concerned

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Vaginal bleeding before period (commonly referred to as spotting) is a common occurrence. A lot of women experience spotting, and many of them become quite alarmed by it. The good news is that spotting does not always mean that you have a real health problem.

Spotting Associated with Pregnancy

One of the most common causes of spotting is pregnancy. A significant number of pregnant women notice spotting in the first seven to ten days of pregnancy. If you notice spotting and there is a chance that you could be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test. It is important that you figure out your pregnancy status as soon as possible.

If you have been pregnant for months and notice spotting, it could be a sign of a problem with your pregnancy. There is a chance that you could have issues with a miscarriage. You need to see a health care professional as soon as possible.

Bleeding Before Period and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a very common health condition that affects a lot of women. It is particularly common in overweight and obese women. It is a common cause of spotting. If you regularly experience spotting and know for sure that you are not pregnant, it is possible that you could have polycystic ovary syndrome.

The good news is that polycystic ovary syndrome can be managed effectively, and, if you are overweight, there is a good chance that losing weight will help you to resolve the effects of the condition. Even a very small weight loss can help reduce the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Bleeding Before Period and Cancer

It is an unfortunate fact that spotting can be associated with cancer. The two main cancers known to cause spotting are uterine cancer and cervical cancer.

The good news for women concerned about developing uterine cancer is that good lifestyle decisions can make a big difference in preventing the condition. Uterine cancer is significantly linked to overweight and obesity, which means that maintaining a healthy body weight can help you to reduce your chances of developing this cancer.

While cervical cancer is not as easy to prevent, getting regular pap smears can help you to identify cervical cancer early, which makes it much more treatable. Cervical cancer is actually not that difficult to treat (relative to other cancers) if it is identified early.

Spotting and Infection

Spotting can also be due to infection. Some vaginal infections are known to cause spotting. If you have ruled out all the other possible causes of spotting, there is a good chance that your spotting is due to some kind of infection.

The only way to know for sure is to get in touch with your primary health care provider and undergo a series of tests designed to determine what kind of infection you have. If you fail to treat your infection, there is a good chance it will worsen with time, although in some cases infections resolve spontaneously.

Bleeding before period is not something to be taken lightly. If you notice spotting, you should do your best to determine the cause as soon as possible.