  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pink Discharge
  • Clear Discharge
  • Green Discharge
  • Brown Discharge

8 Cases of Light Brown Discharge Occurrence

Light brown discharge

One of the greatest problems about light brown discharges is the fact they are usually left unnoticed and their occurrence is neglected… Is this the right strategy? It is definitely not. Such discharges may be both safe and dangerous, and it is recommended that you know what your case is.

Cause # 1: Pregnancy

Not all women have such discharges at the early stages of pregnancy. However, some of them do. The discharge occurs after the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine lining. The process leads to the breakage of a few blood vessels that contribute to the brown color of the discharge.

In this case, all of the worries are groundless. There is nothing you to be afraid of. However, professional consultation should be the option that you consider, since no woman can recognize the condition on her own.

Case # 2: Infections

Specialists state that normal discharges are either white or watery, but not brown. The color usually indicates the presence of various infections in the vagina. Such infections require proper medical treatment, as they grow uncontrolled due to antibiotics, stress, diabetes and frequent douching.

How do you define whether the discharge is associated with pregnancy or infections? If the discharge has odor and is accompanied by pain, irritation, itching and discomfort, be sure that this condition is to be treated immediately.

Read also: Light Brown Discharge: 10 Expert Advice for Concern or No Worry

Cause #3: Vaginal Atrophy

Light brown discharge can also indicate vaginal atrophy that takes place due to the loss of estrogen in the body. A drop of the estrogen level makes the vaginal tissues become much thinner, drier, more fragile and less elastic.

During vaginal atrophy blood vessels become comparatively weak and they are prone to bursting spontaneously, which results in light brown discharges.

Cause #4: Perimenopause

This is the period that every woman has to face sooner or later. It is referred to as a transition into menopause that takes from 3 to 7 years. During this period, the level of estrogen rises and falls unevenly causing the shortening of menstruation. Light brown discharges are one of the main symptoms. Other symptoms include vaginal dryness, hot flashes, insomnia and night sweats.

Cause #5: Cervical Irritation

Light brown discharges are also typical of cervical irritation. Sometimes the opening of the uterus (the cervix) is irritated due to different reasons. The main reasons are hormonal changes and cervical infections.

Pregnancy hormones also contribute to the change of the cervix’s surface, causing bleeding, especially after sexual intercourse.

Cause # 6: Uterine Polyps

These uterine growths are common in many people. They occur due to the overgrowth of the cells in the endometrium. Polyps differ in size from a few millimeters to centimeters.

If you are under 40, then uterine polyps are not the cause of your light brown discharges. Such growths are more common in women over 40 years of age. The discharges can be accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms.

Cause # 7: Post Menopause

Experiencing such discharges after menopause is normal. They are cleansing and lubricating. Light brown discharge in post menopause prevents vaginal dryness that takes place due to the reduction of estrogen levels. Why brown? The color is related to old blood and is not a reason to panic. However, if you suffer from heavy discharges of brown color that have a foul odor, you may be suffering from an infection or diseases that are to be treated immediately.

A Few Words about the Amounts…

The amounts of the discharges are also important. They vary from women to women and from girl to girl. No two women have the same discharges (in consistency, texture, color or odor). Different women have absolutely different points of views as to what is normal and what is not. However, if a woman has to change panty shields several times a day, the condition is far from normal.

What influences the amount of the discharges? Among a great number of factors, hormonal changes are usually the most common. Other triggers include the use of contraceptive pills or being pregnant. About one week before period, the increase of light brown discharge is experienced as well.

No matter what the amount of light brown discharge is, you should talk to your doctor about the slightest changes your body undergoes and the discomfort that you experience. His advice will be very helpful.